Congratulations Novice Rep C - Silverstick Champs, News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Nov 21, 2016 | admin | 1718 views
Congratulations Novice Rep C - Silverstick Champs
Novice Rep C Champs Undefeated in 4 games!

4-3 win over Sturgeon Lake in a very intense Championship game.

We also won 4-3 against Burford, 6-3 against Brock, 6-1 against Sturgeon Lake in round robin play

Team will be off to Michigan in January for the North American International Silver Stick Novice Finals.

Thanks to all the family, friends and fans that supported us!  Go Rockets!

Toyotetsu Canada Inc.
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Delhi German Home
The German Home is our U11 Rep Sponsor. A long time supporter of DDMHA!
Delhi Legion
Proud sponsor of our U13 Rep and U11 Rep D teams.
Stefek Farms
Our proud U15 LL Sponsor!
Delhi Physiotherapy
Proud sponsor of our U11 LL team!
Pauls Shoes
Proud sponsor of our U18 Rep team.