In Person Registration Payment Dates, News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Sep 03, 2017 | admin | 1976 views
In Person Registration Payment Dates
Rockets Families,

If you need to make payment for the 2017/18 Season, we will be available to accept payment via cash or cheque on the following dates.
Location:  Delhi Arena Lobby

Date & Time:  Thursday September 7th, 6pm-8pm
     Saturday September 16th, 8am-11am

Payments must be made in full, in order to tryout for Rep Teams.

any inquiries - email [email protected]

Todd's Automotive
Proud sponsor of our 18 LL team!
Delhi Pharmasave
Our proud U15 LL sponsor!
Delhi German Home
The German Home is our U11 Rep Sponsor. A long time supporter of DDMHA!
Toyotetsu Canada Inc.
Proud sponsor of our U13 LL team.
Dave's Variety
Long time DDMHA sponsor. Dave's Variety is the sponsor of our U9 MD team. Support Dave's Variety!
SOS Towing
Proud sponsor of our U18 LL team.