2017-18 Tyke Program Changes, News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Sep 06, 2017 | Executive | 2455 views
2017-18 Tyke Program Changes
Rockets Families...

Beginning in the 2017-18 season, Hockey Canada is implementing a new policy that mandates cross-ice/half-ice hockey for players at the Initiation age level (traditionally 5- and 6-year-olds).

There has been a lot of work happening with other centres in an effort to more closely align our Tyke Programs to ensure a level playing field when playing against other teams.  These changes will affect our Beginner, IP, Tyke & Novice Programs.

DMHA have been working on the following Document in order to role out the changes for the 2017-18 Season.
Please review the attached link (click) - 2017-18_DMHA_Tyke_Program_Change_Rev06

The OMHA Age Reference Chart is as follows (click) - OMHA Age Chart 2017-18 Season

*** Parents please refer to the Organization Calendar as the Season for the New Tyke Progams will start on Saturday September 16th ***

*** Players are to show up to the practice times by Year of Birth (YOB) in order to ensure proper registration numbers, evaluation of players can be started and the overall changes to the programs can be implemented ***

For any inquiries - please email - [email protected]
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