2nd Half Season is Starting!!!, News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Jan 03, 2018 | admin | 11574 views
2nd Half Season is Starting!!!
Awesome 1st half of the season Rockets!!!  All Teams in All Divisions are doing well & representing our Association Well - keep up the Good Work!

Please refer to the Manage Subscription Tutorial, that can be found on the Main Home Page in the Organization Calendar drop down menu. 
It will help you stay in contact with updates, cancellations, scores and events that your Team or even create your own group of links for all your friends and families Teams.  You can be updated by text, or email and linked to your mobile device calendar.

click Link here too - Keep connected to DMHA

Play close attention to your Teams Calendar, as games and practices could be moved around to accommodate game and ref schedules and cancellations.  Please communicate with your Team Manager to stay in the loop.

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