Bantam REP/AE News Bulletin - UPDATE, News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Sep 15, 2018 | admin | 2275 views
Bantam REP/AE News Bulletin - UPDATE
REP/AE Information Bulletin

DMHA is supporting the development of a REP/AE system in Delhi.  To allow for the possibility of AE teams in selected divisions the executive has established based on current registration  for the 2018-19 season, we will host a Bantam AE Team.  

Tryouts will begin Sunday Sept 16th, and Monday Sept 17th.

*** We request that all interested players wishing to tryout for Bantam AE and/or REP attend the Mandatory Bantam/Midget REP/AE Checking Clinic***  

Players with previous checking clinics are valid.

We encourage all players and parents to consider attending the REP tryouts for Bantam, but is not required. 

The development of the REP/AE/AP system is a vital step in the advancement of the DMHA and its players today as well as those of tomorrow. 

The Delhi Minor Hockey Association’s (DMHA) main goal is to develop hockey players within this association to the highest levels possible in order to produce a centre that is competitive and fun to play for.

The DMHA can offer potentially three levels to choose from; 
Representative (REP), Alternate Entry (AE) and Local League (LL)

Q: What is a REP Hockey?

A: The REP Team or “Representative” Team is the highest level of hockey that can be played within the DMHA.  The REP team is a “tryout format” in which players/parents must previously register with the DMHA to be eligible to participate or eligible to play REP.  Most “tryouts” occur prior to season start (early September).  The team usually consists of 15-17 players (including goalies).   DMHA reserves the right to right to finalize the minimum or maximum players on any team within our Association.

Q: What is AE Hockey?

A: The AE Team or “Alternate Entry” Team is the second highest level of hockey that can be played within the DMHA.  The AE team is also a “tryout format”.  AE hockey is still considered to be a REP hockey team, however an official alternate to the Representative Team.  To be eligible for AE tryouts you MUST be registered within the DMHA or eligible to play REP.  Tryouts for the AE team always occur after REP tryouts.

Q: What is the cost to play REP and AE level hockey?

A: First and foremost there is a $25 fee for REP tryouts.  This one time (yearly) fee covers tryouts for both REP and AE levels.  Once a player is selected and rostered to either the REP or AE team, there is a team “REP fee” that covers the cost of weekly full ice practices of $120 per player fee applies.  This is above and beyond the regular registration fee. ***Note that all fees are subject to change*** As for fees above this, is dependent on team extra development, off ice, tournaments, etc that is initiated by the coaching staff; however it is fair to suggest that each team has a fee of approximately $500 per player that covers expenditures (goalie & power skating sessions, tournaments, team wear, etc).  Although an approximate estimate, REP and AE could cost approximately $1000-$1200 including ALL fees.

Q: What is the purpose of an AE team?

A: The DMHA’s main objective is to provide the highest level of hockey for players committed to playing at that level.  AE is a level dedicated to continue a higher level of play for kids between the REP and local league level, in order to develop their skills at a higher level.

Q: Do you play less in AE than you would REP?

A: Although AE is still considered to be a “REP” team it is a notch below official REP status.  AE teams still typically play the same amount of games and usually the same amount of practices that a regular REP team would.  The same level of commitment is also expected from both levels of hockey.

Hockey is always evolving and the DMHA is committed to making sure that players within this organization are keeping pace with other organizations and hockey centers in Ontario.  In order to have the best teams and ice the best players, a commitment is needed by all stakeholders to ensure that this happens.  Other divisions will be also be considered based on Registration numbers for the 2018-19 season.

In addition, If you have any questions about REP and AE hockey please do not hesitate contact your REP Convenor Will Wall, [email protected] or DMHA President Mitch Vanwynsberghe, [email protected]  If you have any specific questions about Local League within Delhi please contact Dave Kochany [email protected] 

We are committed to ensuring that no player or parent is without knowledge of how the DMHA is operated in conjunction with the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA). Thank you for your continued support and a reminder to all that the Season is just around the corner!  
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