Tragedy for the "Express", News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Nov 16, 2018 | admin | 1295 views
Tragedy for the "Express"
Our Hockey Community Morns, as one our our Southern County League Juvenile Players was killed in a automobile accident on Wednesday from the Ingersoll Express.

click - CTV News Report

Please put in your Thoughts and Prayers for the Ingersoll Express Hockey Community, Friends and Family of Tyler Arts 17yrs old.

Please be safe on the roads, plan your trip accordingly, remember it is just a Game.

Delhi German Home
The German Home is our U11 Rep Sponsor. A long time supporter of DDMHA!
Delhi Physiotherapy
Proud sponsor of our U11 LL team!
Proud Sponsor of our U13 LL2 team!
Stefek Farms
Our proud U15 LL Sponsor!
Delhi Legion
Proud sponsor of our U13 Rep and U11 Rep D teams.
Toyotetsu Canada Inc.
Proud sponsor of our U13 LL team.