Dec 19, 2018 | admin | 904 views
LL 1st Half Schedule Complete
Well Rockets, - Very successful 1st half of the season for all our LL Teams.
Updates to standings, and seating for the 2nd half of the season can be found here:
click - Intertown Local League All Standings
Scheduling Meeting is
Thursday Dec 20th for coaches in Norwich, and schedules will be updated shortly after that night for 2nd half of season.
Novice LL - A Pool
Atom LL1 - B Pool
Atom LL2 - B Pool
Peewee LL1 - A Pool
Peewee LL2 - A Pool
Bantam LL1 - B Pool
Bantam LL2 - B Pool
Midget LL - A Pool
Great Job Rockets!!! - Have a safe and relaxing Holiday Season !!!