Getting the Rust off - we are getting back on the Ice.., News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Sep 01, 2021 | Will Wall | 7636 views
Getting the Rust off - we are getting back on the Ice..
Rockets Families,

For those players that are Registered for DMHA, and have paid in FULL, or have made arrangements with our Treasurer for the 2021-2022 Season Registration Fees, are eligible to attend the Rust off the skates by Year of Birth (YOB).

Reminder Registration for the 2021-2022 Season U5-U18 is Friday September 3rd, 2021.

Skates will start on Tuesday September 7th - please pay attention to your player YOB on the Development (DEV) (click)  Organizational Calendar  which is found in the Game Centre drop down menu on our main page toolbar.

Goalies can attend as well by YOB skates, we also will have Goalie Clinics set up by Age Division on Friday Sept 10 & 17th to start with more to come!  

To organzie for DMHA Goalie Equipment, please email click - Mark Poirier


U13 to U21 start Sept 24th to Oct 3rd
U9 to U11 start Sept 27th to Oct 4th

click - Tryout Schedules

Season Starts:

DMHE is currently working with our Leagues to finalize the season format and schedule, and we will post once we have confirmation for the season.

Intertown Local Leauge U9-U18
Southern Counties Rep League U9-U18 

Norfolk County Arena Protocol

Arena Rental Guidelines / Requirements:

  • Face masks/coverings must be worn at all times throughout the facility—with the exception of while users are on the ice (helmet on/face mask or covering off; helmet off/face mask or covering on)
  • A maximum of 30 skaters/players will be allowed on the ice plus coaches
  • A maximum of 40 skaters/players will be permitted ONLY for U9 hockey during half-ice play or CanSkate programming to allow parents on the ice. Due to lack of dressing space with 40 skaters, participants must come dressed to the arena.
  • All other rentals must restrict participants to the 30 maximum
  • Coaches must wear masks/face coverings at all times on the bench
  • Organized sports leagues must provide a safety plan for review by County staff to ensure it meets Provincial requirements
  • Rental permit holders must provide facility staff a list of participants and parents/guardians who have a face mask/covering exemption
  • The rental permit holder will be identified as the contact for the Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit (e.g. for future contact tracing)
  • The rental permit holder will be responsible for sharing these protocols with those who will be participating in the ice rental including members of visiting teams and game officials
  • The rental permit holder (or his/her designate) is responsible to ensure that all participants have screened before entry to the building and all other participants who will be present on and around the ice pad, e.g. referees, timekeepers. No one will be permitted to enter the facility until the rental permit holder (or designate) is on-site and ready to ensure that all participants have screened
  • The rental permit holder (or his/her designate) will monitor the spectator seating area to ensure that all COVID-19 protocols are followed (such as: wearing face masks/coverings; social distancing)
  • Foam dividers/pylons will be allowed for half-ice pad play. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to sanitize the equipment and to place/clear dividers within the approved rental time.
  • Tournaments will be permitted this season with an approved safety plan

Dressing Rooms:
  • Face masks/coverings must be worn at all times while in a dressing room
  • Participants will be able to access dressing rooms no more than 20 minutes prior to their scheduled rental time and must leave within 20 minutes after leaving the ice surface
  • A maximum of eight (8) people are allowed in each dressing room. Chairs will be available outside the rink surface to accommodate overflow
  • Showers will not be available
Multi-Purpose Room Rentals:
  • Face masks/coverings must be worn at all times. When consuming food or drink, participants may remove their face mask/covering for this purpose. However, they must remain socially distanced while eating/drinking and, once finished, put on their face mask/covering
Designated Seating (Stands) and Common Areas:
  • Face masks/coverings must be worn at all times while seated in the stands or other designated seating areas. Spectators in designated seating areas who wish to consume food or drink are permitted to do so and may remove their face mask/covering for this purpose. However, they must remain socially distanced while eating/drinking and, once finished, put on their face mask/covering
  • Spectator capacity will be posted at each arena and is as follows: Delhi Arena - 226; Langton Arena - 158; Talbot Gardens Arena - 333; Port Dover Arena – 226; Waterford Tricenturena - 200
  • Concessions may be open. Participants are encouraged to visit the concessions to support these local community groups/businesses.

If there are any changes or updates to the Norfolk County Protocols, we will update at
Delhi Physiotherapy
Proud sponsor of our U11 LL team!
Wilkinson's Your Independent Grocer
Proud sponsor of our U15 Rep Team.
Stefek Farms
Our proud U15 LL Sponsor!
Proud Sponsor of our U13 LL2 team!
Dave's Variety
Long time DDMHA sponsor. Dave's Variety is the sponsor of our U9 MD team. Support Dave's Variety!
Delhi Legion
Proud sponsor of our U13 Rep and U11 Rep D teams.