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Sep 21, 2021 | admin | 7177 views
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As of September 22, 2021, the Province of Ontario will require members of the public to be fully vaccinated to access certain public settings, including recreation centres (O/Reg 645/21)

To enter a Norfolk County recreation facility (pool, arenas) or community centre/halls visitors and program patrons must provide proof of full vaccination as well as proof of identity as required by the law.  If you fail to provide proof of vaccination, you will not be allowed to enter the facility. Staff are not authorized to make exceptions and are required to abide by provincial regulations.
The County will be utilizing a combination of staff and security personnel who will be tasked with checking vaccination status, verifying identification, as well as, conducting the contact tracing and screening process. Every person will be required to move through this process. We ask that everyone is courteous and has their information readily available to help avoid any bottlenecks at the front door.
The full media release from Norfolk County may be found using the link below.

Please note, the Norfolk County policy does not include players who are in attendance to participate in sport, however, the previously released OMHA policy does require players 12 and older to be fully vaccinated by October 31, 2021.

LINK: Norfolk County Media Release

Dear Members,

We wanted to send this message to clarify the confusing messages that have occurred over the past few weeks from the Government of Ontario, Public Health Ontario, the County of Norfolk and the Ontario Minor Hockey Association.   Delhi Minor Hockey must follow the rules and regulations laid down by all of the above entities. We are not making our own vaccine policies or requirements.     

The Government of Ontario, advised by Public Health Ontario, has provided guidelines for activities during the COVID pandemic, including Youth Sport and facility usage. Individual entities both private and public are able to interpret these guidelines to provide their members and users the safest venue possible.

Ontario Minor Hockey Association is our parent organization and provider of our insurance for both Local League and Representative participation. Ontario Minor Hockey has mandated that all members (players and team staff, participating in the game, that are eligible for vaccination) be vaccinated to take part within the confines of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association.  Therefore, Delhi Minor Hockey members must also follow this same mandate.   

If you have questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Ontario Minor Hockey Association.

This is different than the facility usage and spectators.

The facility operators of Ontario have a different organizational structure. The facilities in Norfolk are managed by the Norfolk County. Delhi Minor Hockey is a user group as any other entity utilizing the facilities. Norfolk County has the following policy for facility users:

All participants, parents/guardians/spectators will be required to show proof of double vaccination (second dose received at least 14 days prior to visit) or a letter stating a medical exemption* each time they enter a recreation facility, with the following exemptions:

·        Children under the age of 12

·        Youth under the age of 18 who are actively participating in an organized sport

·         **People between the ages of 12-18 will be exempt from the vaccination requirement while at the facility actively participating in an organized sport but will be required to show proof of vaccination while at the facility as a spectator**

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the usage of the County of Norfolk Facilities please contact the County.

Delhi Minor Hockey, both Local league and Representative, must follow the Ontario Minor Hockey Associations Vaccine Requirements to be insured. As per their vaccine requirements, any player 2009 and older must be double vaccinated + 14 days in order to be rostered by October 31, 2021.

Thank you for your patience as we work through these constantly changing rules.

Delhi Minor Hockey Executive
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