Police Checks!, News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Aug 30, 2023 | Ryan Robyn | 358 views
Police Checks!
Attention Volunteers! 

For those of you planning to volunteer this 2023-24 Season, and do not have a current Vulnerable Sector Police Check (VSC) with DDMHA on record.  VSC checks are good for 3 years.  

You can apply online with the OPP and results are back within 24-48 hours, normally.

You require a letter from DDMHA President to upload to the "Application for a Record Check". Please provide in your email your Name (as it appears on your Drivers License)

click here to email a request for the DDMHA Letter.

Without it,  you will not be allowed on the ice, or Team Roster, to participate.  This includes: board members, coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, managers etc..

Once you have the letter, please access the OPP page (click) OPP.CA/RECORDCHECKS and follow the simple steps to request your police check.

Once you have received the results of the VSC Form, please forward it to  click here to email our registrar, Shannon who will upload your police check into your HCR Profile. 

Thank you,
DDMHA Board of Directors
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