The Dust is Off, News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Sep 17, 2023 | Ryan Robyn | 393 views
The Dust is Off
Now that the dust skates are over, tryouts will start Monday Sept. 18.  In order to attend tryouts you needed to sign up using the online form and paid the $25 tryout fee.  If you still want to be on this list, please contact me.  

**UPDATE** - If you aren't receiving emails then your spordle email address is incorrect.  Please ensure that the email you are using is the same as the email you have entered into your spordle.  If you haven't received the survey that was sent out and you'd like to receive it, reach out to [email protected].

If you are not trying out for Rep, you should be attending the Non-Tryout Practices for your age group.  Once the rep teams have been selected, all other teams will be determined.

If you have any questions, please contact the convenors --> Contact Us <--

U21 Update - We still need more players for U21 Rep.  If you are interested, please contact the U21 Rep Convenor and attend the U21 skates on Sunday.  Registration isn't necessary, and late fees will not be applied.  If we have enough interest in U21 Rep, it will run.

Delhi German Home
The German Home is our U11 Rep Sponsor. A long time supporter of DDMHA!
Delhi Pharmasave
Our proud U15 LL sponsor!
Wilkinson's Your Independent Grocer
Proud sponsor of our U15 Rep Team.
Dave's Variety
Long time DDMHA sponsor. Dave's Variety is the sponsor of our U9 MD team. Support Dave's Variety!
Pauls Shoes
Proud sponsor of our U18 Rep team.
Todd's Automotive
Proud sponsor of our 18 LL team!