Team Updates, News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Oct 01, 2023 | Ryan Robyn | 189 views
Team Updates
Over the next few days LL teams will start being finalized and coaches will email or notify players of which teams they are on.  You will likely see lots of changes in the schedule over the week as we try to piece things together.  We are making an effort to put out a consistent schedule with some time slots alternating week to week.  

We are still in need of a U15 LL Coach!! Please contact our Local League Convenor if interested.  

Thank you for your patience.  

Toyotetsu Canada Inc.
Proud sponsor of our U13 LL team.
Wilkinson's Your Independent Grocer
Proud sponsor of our U15 Rep Team.
Todd's Automotive
Proud sponsor of our 18 LL team!
Pauls Shoes
Proud sponsor of our U18 Rep team.
Delhi German Home
The German Home is our U11 Rep Sponsor. A long time supporter of DDMHA!
Delhi Legion
Proud sponsor of our U13 Rep and U11 Rep D teams.