Player Development - Session 1, News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Oct 02, 2023 | Brandon VanHaecke | 894 views
Player Development - Session 1
Delhi District Minor Hockey Association (DDMHA) is pleased to announce the opportunity for players to register for additional development clinics.  These clinics will be instructed by Deb Nagy and will have a focus on skating skills for players.  We will be running three sessions, which includes five skates per session, throughout this upcoming 2023-24 Rockets year.

The development clinic dates for the first session are as follows:


Oct 15

Oct 22

Oct 29

Nov 5

Nov 12


The clinics will run out of Langton Arena every Sunday between 2-7 pm.


Player development is open for players U7 and above.  They will be placed into groupings based on both age range and skill.  Players will be provided a specific time slot after registration closes as this will be based on interest level for the clinics.

The first session costs $100 and must be paid in full by the Tuesday, October 10 at midnight.  Note:  No refunds will be provided if a player cannot make one of the clinics.

Click the following link to register: ----> Power Skating  <------ 

If you have any further questions please email Brandon Van Haecke at: [email protected]


Stay tuned shortly for upcoming goalie clinics.

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