Rep Fees, News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Oct 03, 2023 | Ryan Robyn | 372 views
Rep Fees
Now that all rep teams are finalized.  The rep fees need to be paid prior to Oct. 10.

Rep Fees for the 2023/2024 season are:

          U9 $100
  U11 C/D $130
U13 - U18 $150

Please e-transfer the fee to:

[email protected]

  1. Please use in the "Message Line" - Players Name & Reason for payment (ex. U13 Rep Fee)
  2. Password "hockey"
any questions, please email our [email protected]
Pauls Shoes
Proud sponsor of our U18 Rep team.
Delhi Pharmasave
Our proud U15 LL sponsor!
Delhi German Home
The German Home is our U11 Rep Sponsor. A long time supporter of DDMHA!
Proud Sponsor of our U13 LL2 team!
Dave's Variety
Long time DDMHA sponsor. Dave's Variety is the sponsor of our U9 MD team. Support Dave's Variety!
SOS Towing
Proud sponsor of our U18 LL team.