Vote Results, News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Nov 22, 2023 | Ryan Robyn | 601 views
Vote Results
Thank you to those who came out to vote tonight.

The results were as follows:

Norwich 93.7% yes
Langton 64.6% yes
Delhi 63% yes

All 3 centres didn't meet the 66.7% required to move forward at this time.  We plan to continue our talks between the three centres to figure out the next steps, and what the future may hold.

SOS Towing
Proud sponsor of our U18 LL team.
Delhi Physiotherapy
Proud sponsor of our U11 LL team!
Wilkinson's Your Independent Grocer
Proud sponsor of our U15 Rep Team.
Delhi Legion
Proud sponsor of our U13 Rep and U11 Rep D teams.
Pauls Shoes
Proud sponsor of our U18 Rep team.
Stefek Farms
Our proud U15 LL Sponsor!