Reminders, News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Feb 27, 2024 | Ryan Robyn | 2295 views
1)  Delhi / Norwich Amalgamation Vote is this Saturday (March 2) from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm upstairs at the Delhi arena.  See amalgamation tab for details.

2)  Make sure you read the article related to the year end banquet and fill out your intentions.  Tickets will go on sale soon!  This is a great event to recognize our players and teams.

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Proud Sponsor of our U13 LL2 team!
Todd's Automotive
Proud sponsor of our 18 LL team!
Delhi Legion
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SOS Towing
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Delhi Pharmasave
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Dave's Variety
Long time DDMHA sponsor. Dave's Variety is the sponsor of our U9 MD team. Support Dave's Variety!