PTS/NRP Requests, News, U15 LL 1 Pharmasave, U15 (Bantam) (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Organization | Aug 30, 2021 | Will Wall | 15601 views
PTS/NRP Requests
Dear Membership,

For those DMHA registered players U10 (Minor Atom) to U18 (Midget) that are interested in trying out for AAA hockey in Brantford, they will need a Permission to Skate Form (PST)

For those DMHA registered players U12 (Minor Peewee) to U18 (Midget) that are interested in trying out for AA or A hockey, they can choose 1 level, and 1 centre to have a Non Resident Player Passport (NRP) to attend these tryouts.

Those DMHA registered players that wish to tryout for Junior hockey will need a Permission to Skate form for Junior Hockey.

The OMHA has announced Permission to Skate or Non Resident Player Passport   forms will be available in early September.  

To request either a form, please click on link   2021-2022 PTS or NRP Request Form and our Registrar will process, and you will be notified when they become available in early September and where to pick up.

DHMA Registration for the 2021-2022 Season Closes Friday September 3rd @11:59pm

Any questions - email [email protected]

PTS the NRP process 

1 Player registers with their Home Centre

  1. 2 Player requests a “Permission to Skate Form” from their Home Centre if they wish to tryout for AAA hockey.
  3. 3 Player requests an NRP Passport from their Home Centre if they wish to tryout for either AA or A hockey. Only one passport will be given to any one player. Only players at Peewee and above will be given a Passport.
  5. 4 The Home Centre will determine the player’s closest centre for AA Hockey or for A hockey. This will be done by the use of Google Maps and by measuring the distance from the player’s residence to the AA Centre’s “centre point” or the A Centre’s “centre point”. A list of the centre points has been distributed to all centres.
  7. 5 The Home Centre will pre-register the player in the HCR system as “NON-Resident Player Passport” in the group drop down box in the pre-registration section. The Home Centre retains the top copy of the Passport.
  9. 6 The Home Centre will fill out the Passport
    1. Name of Player
    2. Date of Birth
    3. Home Centre Player is eligible to attend tryouts with (this will be either the AA centre or the A centre – not both) and Player will indicate to the Home Centre if he chooses AA or A. The Home Centre will enter either the closest AA centre or the closest A centre based upon the player’s choosing AA or A.
    4. Home Centre Authorizing Signature
    5. Print Title (of the authorizing signature)
    6. Date of authorizing signature


The rest of the Passport will be filled out by the AA or A centre and, if the player is successful in obtaining a position with the teamto which they are trying out for, the AA or A Centre will upload the completed Passport in The Player’s Profile in the HCR System. If the player is unsuccessful in obtaining a position, he returns to the Home Centre.

It is also important to explain to your parents/players who request a Passport that the AA or A team is allowed to only accept 3 NRP players.

Players can try out at AAA but this is not mandatory. Players can tryout at AA OR A (not both) and if they are not offered a spot on the AA or A team they return home. They can not tryout for another AA or A team if cut.


1.Who is eligible for an NRP?
Any players from an OMHA ‘A” and below center that are Minor Peewee and above and are registered in their home centre are eligible to receive a NRP.

2. Within which centre does the player register?
All players must register in their home centre.

3. How do you obtain a NRP for a player?
Players must request an approved NRP passport from their home centre.
Only players that provide proof of registration (receipt for registration) will be granted a NRP Passport.

4. How does a player determine which centre he is eligible to tryout for?
A Players home centre contact will mark on NRP Passport which center player can tryout for.
This is determined by:
1. OMHA Regulations
2. Centres Accepting NRPs.
3. Closest centre based upon mileage from their home address to the centre point of the closest neighboring “AA” or “A” centre.
4. The address used is the address on record within the Hockey Canada Registry database.

5. How is the distance to the next closest centre measured?
ALL distances are measured by shortest distance from players residence to center point by well travelled roads. .

6. Can NRP players from one “AA” centre tryout in another “AA” centre?

7. Can a player obtain more than one passport?
No. A player only gets a single passport.

8. If a player is selected for the team above his centre, does this mean he is permanently a member of the new centre?
No. The NRP process is good for a single season only. All players interested in trying out for a centre above their home category must go through the process every year.

9. Can a player attend a tryout for a “AA” or “A” centre outside of their own without obtaining a NRP?
No. The only way players can tryout in another centre is by obtaining the approved NRP from his home centre.

10. How many NRPs can be rostered on a team?
The maximum number of NRPs allowed per team is three (3).

11. What happens if a NRP quits a team after he has been selected?
Once a team has rostered an NRP, no replacement NRP will be permitted if the player eventually quits the team. This would reduce the NRP number the team can to a maximum of 2 players (as per OMHA regulations)

12. Where do I find the OMHA regulations for NRP?
The OMHA regulations for NRP are located within the OMHA Manual of Operations.

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