Tournament Rules, 55th Annual U11 & U13 Rep Tobacco Town Tournament, 2022-2023 (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)
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55th Annual U11 & U13 Rep Tobacco Town Tournament Menu
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Tournament Rules
55th Annual U11 & U13 Rep Tobacco Town Tournament
Tournament Rules
Standings & Schedules
This Tournament is part of the 2022-2023 season, which is not set as the current season.
Tournament Rules
This tournament shall be played under the rules of the
manual of operations. Suspensions will be served as indicated in the current Manual of Operations with the following exception.
i) Players or Team Officials receiving a game misconduct and/or gross misconduct under Rule 11.1/11.2 Maltreatment, they shall be suspended for the remainder of the tournament. The Tournament committee reserves the right to make decisions regarding the interpretation of the rules and all decisions by the committee are final.
This is a Representative tournament only
No body checking allowed
Team officials are responsible for the conduct of their team. Spectators who are abusive toward parents, players or officials will not be tolerated.
The game will be suspended until the identified person leaves the arena. Once ejected, that spectator shall not be allowed access to the arena for the remainder of the tournament.
All players must wear neck guards. Mouth guards are mandatory.
Only coaching staff will be allowed on the ice. No parents or spectators are allowed on the ice at any time.
– A team representative must register their team. All teams must register at least
one hour
before their first scheduled game.
team official must produce
originals or approved copies of the team roster, affiliated player lists and travel permits if applicable
. All teams are asked to be ready to play 15 minutes before their schedule game time in case start times are ahead of schedule.
There is no player sign in
Only players and team officials listed on an approved OHF/OMHA roster shall be allowed to participate in the tournament. The approved roster must be made available to tournament officials for perusal
one (1) hour before
the team’s first game
and at any time during the tournament if necessary
. Approved roster sheet will be acceptable for this tournament.
All team officials shall individually sign the tournament game sheet in the tournament office prior to commencing each game. We will be using paper game sheets so leave enough time to fill out/ review the gamesheet.
The team designated as Home Team in each tournament game will be required to change sweaters should a colour conflict arise. All teams should therefore have two sets of sweaters available for use. The Tournament Committee will resolve conflicts.
Dressing rooms are under the care of team officials and these officials will be held responsible for any damage or abuse that occurs during the time of use. And must be vacated within 20 minutes after your game.
All major penalties will carry suspensions as per the OMHA and must be served in the tournament. Any player, coach or team official receiving a fighting penalty, Match penalty, or Gross Misconduct penalty shall be expelled for the remainder of the tournament.
Teams are not to go on the ice until the Zamboni door has closed and the refs are on the ice.
We will have a 3-minute warm up which will start when the refs are on the ice. Referees will blow the whistle early so warm up and team talk can be completed. Prior to the start of every game, we will shake hands/ fist bump. Players are then to return to the benches except the starting lineup.
All round robin games will be
10-10-10 stop time
, semi-final and championship games will be
10-10-15 stop time
with overtime being played in the semi-final and championship games only.
Points will be awarded as follows: In round robin play pointe will be awarded for each game.
Two (2) points to the winner of the game, One (1) point for a tie.
In the event of a tie in points upon completion of the regular scheduled games, the tie breaking procedure will be as follows:
Head to head, winner awarded higher position
Fewest total goals against is awarded higher ranking (in round robin play)
The team with the least penalty minutes awarded higher ranking (average per game in round robin play)
The team with the higher Win percentage during round robin play will be awarded the higher ranking.
Refer to the game played between the 2 teams; the team that scored first is awarded the higher ranking. If the teams did not play each other then the team with the fastest goal during the tournament is awarded the higher ranking.
Should be impossible to be tied at this point but if it still is then higher goal differential awarded the higher ranking ( goals for / (goals for + goals against) )
In the event the 2 teams are still tied a coin toss will determine the position.
Semi Final and Championship Games
One 30 second timeout
will be allowed per team per game in semis and finals only.
Home Team for Semi Final and Championship games
will be decided by the team with the higher ranking.
Tied Semi Final and Championship
games will be played for sudden victory in the following manner:
A 5-minute sudden death overtime period.
If still tied after the first 5 minutes, there will be a 5 minute sudden death victory period, removing one (1) player after each minute of play (buzzer will be sounded at the end of each minute). Substitutions can be made at
time. Face offs will be at the point of
stoppages of play.
If still tied: A 3 player shoot out. Teams will pick 3 different shooters and list them in order of shooter on game sheet prior to game. Heads up format
If still tied, then sudden death shoot out (1 shot per team until no longer tied). Each player besides the goalie must shoot before a player can shoot again.
Decisions of the referees are final and not subject to protest
Tournament format
: The Tournament Convener reserves the right to change the format of the tournament should it be deemed necessary.
By entering the Tournament, the Coach or Manager on behalf of their team releases the OMHA, Delhi Minor Hockey Association, Tournament Committee and all officials, referees, sponsors, volunteers and all concerned with the Tournament from any and all liability of injury or accident which may be incurred by any player or team official while participating in or coming to or going from the tournament.