Oct 22, 2023 | Kelly Dygos | 214 views
The Delhi Hockey Moms/Delhi Minor Hockey are looking forward to hosting the 38th Annual Delhi Hockey Moms U9LL Full ice tournament this year.
January 19-21, 2024
Delhi Community Arena
Registration and payment will secure your spot and will include:
*3 games guaranteed
*Player of the game (2) per team per game. (Teams choose their own players)
*Lucky Jersey number prize
*Lunch for players and bench staff
*treats/gifts for players between games
Also on site/available:
*brochure with teams and players names listed,
*Penny Table,
*Pin Table,
"O' Canada" will be sang prior to the consolation and final games.
Awards for First, Second and Third place teams.
Any question please direct them to tournament convener; Kelly Dygos at [email protected]