Rep & Local League Coaching Applications, News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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May 27, 2015 | jhale | 1371 views
Rep & Local League Coaching Applications
Rep and Local League coaching applications are now being accepted for the coming season. Please review the material under Coach Development on this website to ensure your certificates are up-to-date. 

Rep Application DMHAREPCoachApp20152

Local League Applications DMHACoachApp2

Pauls Shoes
Proud sponsor of our U18 Rep team.
Toyotetsu Canada Inc.
Proud sponsor of our U13 LL team.
Dave's Variety
Long time DDMHA sponsor. Dave's Variety is the sponsor of our U9 MD team. Support Dave's Variety!
Wilkinson's Your Independent Grocer
Proud sponsor of our U15 Rep Team.
Delhi Pharmasave
Our proud U15 LL sponsor!
SOS Towing
Proud sponsor of our U18 LL team.