Rockets Dates to Remember... UPDATE, News (Delhi Rockets - Home on the Web)

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Sep 01, 2018 | admin | 2241 views
Rockets Dates to Remember... UPDATE
Rockets Familes,

Welcome to Hockey Season 2018-19!  Lots happening! 

For some of you this will be your first ever or first time as a Delhi Rocket! That is exciting!

We hope that everyone had a good off season, and is getting ready for the Rockets Hockey!

Reminder that the month of September ice schedules for divisions/levels/teams will be little scattered as we share ice with Langton Minor Hockey in Delhi, until their ice goes in.  There are other user groups getting there seasons started as well.  This should all shake out in early October.

Some Dates coming up to Remember:

Saturday SEPTEMBER 1st
Season Registration Deadline (unless arrangements made with DMHE)  DMHE will be in Areana Lobby Friday September 7th, 5-8 pm to accept payments.  Late fees may apply if arrangements not made prior to deadline.  for info click here - 2018-19 DMH Registration Article

Thursday SEPTEMBER 6th
UPDATE -- We are going ahead with an Off Ice Checking Clinic for all NEW to REP/AE Bantam/Midget Players trying out for Bantam or Midget Rep/AE Teams that have not attended our Checking Clinic - all players please attend 7-8:30pm (1 session).  Players that have had clinic can attend for a refresher.

Please dress for physical activity, running shoes, shorts/sweats, t-shirt and water bottle.

Friday SEPTEMBER 7th
REP Tryouts start - Delhi Arena - $25 tryout fee, and season registration paid before eligible to tryout - for info click - DMH Tryout Article

Friday SEPTEMBER 7th
Mandatory Bantam/Midget players wishing to tryout for REP Teams - for info click Checking Clinic Article

Saturday SEPTEMBER 15th
IP Program & Local League practices start - please double check times, and all YOB (Year of Birth) players to attend their designated practice times - click for OMHA Age Reference Chart

For info on IP Program click -  DMHA Pre-Novice Handbook JRIP 2013 = 5 yrs old, SRIP 2012 = 6 yrs old, Tyke 2011 = 7 yrs old, Novice LL 2010 = 8 yrs old

Atom LL 2008-09 = 9-10 yrs old, Peewee LL 2006-07 = 11-12 yrs old, Bantam LL 2004-05 = 13-14 yrs old, Midget LL 2001-03 = 15-17 yrs old.

Sunday SEPTEMBER 16th
Bantam AE Tryouts will start - click REP/AE Information Bulletin

Wednesday SEPTEMBER 19th 
IP & Local League Coach Applications Deadline - click to read - 2018-19 IP-LL Coach Application Article 

In Late September posting will come out when Intertown Local League & Southern Counties REP Hockey League 1st Half Season Schedules will be posted...

Saturday's starting OCTOBER 13th
Beginner Program will start - this is a learn to skate program, parents/guardians on ice support with players as well DMHA Coaches will run the program.  more info to come...

If you new to hockey - and/or new to DMHA - please read on our homepage under the "New to Hockey" tab in the main toolbar DMHA Pre-Novice Handbook this should answer alot of your questions - click for DMHA Pre-Novice Handbook

Looking forward to a Rewarding & Developing Season...

Delhi Minor Hockey Executive

Stefek Farms
Our proud U15 LL Sponsor!
Delhi Physiotherapy
Proud sponsor of our U11 LL team!
SOS Towing
Proud sponsor of our U18 LL team.
Delhi German Home
The German Home is our U11 Rep Sponsor. A long time supporter of DDMHA!
Todd's Automotive
Proud sponsor of our 18 LL team!
Wilkinson's Your Independent Grocer
Proud sponsor of our U15 Rep Team.