Dec 05, 2024 | Brandon VanHaecke | 425 views
Player Development - Christmas Holidays
Player Development
Opportunity – Christmas Holidays
with Mike Rebry (currently playing for Tillsonburg Thunder and former alumni of the NCAA Western Michigan Broncos)
Delhi District Minor Hockey Association (DDMHA) is pleased to announce the opportunity for players to register for additional development clinics. These clinics will be instructed by Mike Rebry and will have a focus on power skating and skills for players. The development clinic dates will vary over the following dates and time range.
Sun Dec 22 (7:30am-10:30am) Delhi Arena
Mon Dec 23 (6:30-8:30 pm) Langton Arena
Fri Dec 27 (5-10 pm) Delhi Arena
Sat Dec 28 (3-7:30 pm) Delhi Arena
Sun Dec 29 (7:30-10:30am) Delhi Arena
Mon Dec 30 (6:30-8:30 pm) Langton Arena
Player development is open for players U7 and above. They will be placed into groupings based on both age range and skill. You should expect an email with dates and time of your players development skates a few days after registration closes. The cost is $100 for 5 hours of development spread randomly throughout the listed dates above and must be paid in full by the Thursday, December 12 at midnight. Note: No refunds will be provided if a player cannot make one of the clinics. If you have any further questions please email Brandon Van Haecke at: [email protected]
To register, please click the following link: Power Skating and Skills Development